Since I purchased my tickets to Haiti,
it all feels more real. I have many questions. I can’t come back to the states to
get something I should have brought! I have been a step
ahead of myself to make sure everything is complete before we depart. I am ready.
Some of the questions I ask myself:
How often do I get to bathe?
Am I going to be uncomfortable EVERY DAY with the heat?
What will the food taste like?
Will I cry every time I see children
full of sincerity and will I be able to control myself?
I do hope I can learn new techniques on cooking and eating healthier. I look forward to exercising daily and being around people filled with appreciation and hope.
I really don’t know what to expect, and how can I?
And now that it feels more real, I am feeling more nervous.
To be truthfully honest, I still haven’t created a
curriculum. My goal is to dedicate time to it in the month of June, and I HAVE
to get it done because we leave June 27th. My struggle is, I need
real time to dedicate to it. It MUST be done, and it will be. I have time now
that I put my two weeks in at Wal-mart.
One more… fear. I have become so comfortable with
myself, as in being alone and doing everything on my own, and I know that I will be surrounded fully by hope and endurance,
when for so long I have been surrounded by individuals with selfish intentions
and actions.
It seems evident that I do expect some things. How
prepared can I possibly be?