Thursday, July 26, 2012

That's life

I totally played hooky today. The teachers are taking an assessment and I wanted more sleep, even though I actually slept well last night. Each night is different. Some nights I can’t sleep because it is just too hot. Other nights I fall asleep for about five minutes, get woken up and can’t fall back asleep for hours. For two consecutive nights I had terrible nightmares. Usually ones that involve murder, either me watching someone getting brutally slaughtered or me butchering a friend and feeling guilty about it but thinking it is totally fine and this is the new me. I haven’t had nightmares like these in a while but it is strange because I remember them so vividly. I feel some resentment toward someone here, the only person I can really communicate with, and I am trying my best to just deal with it. When I researched why I was having these dreams on Google resenting someone may be causing these dreams. I think it is that and the other factor of feeling lonely and desperate for some real human connection.

This week has been pretty good though because I have Fritz and Jimmy to talk with. They speak English, Fritz more then Jimmy, and I teach Jimmy as much as I can. He tries to teach me Creole at the same time. It’s funny because he will act out a word and I guess it, but my favorite is when he makes sound effects, mostly because he is good at it and it makes me laugh. We were at a pool in PaP and he held one hand behind his back, like he was escorting a woman down the aisle, and the other hand was up in the air, holding onto fire, and I couldn't guess what he was doing, and then finally he told me it was the Statue of Liberty. I still remember that so clearly. 

Anyways, I haven’t had any bizarre dreams lately, but I find myself remembering them effortlessly, and that isn’t normal for me. I actually kind of like it.

Like I said before, I don’t do much here. I lounge around most of the day, so I am not experiencing much during my visit. It is disappointing but understandable. It costs money to do anything, I am in the middle of nowhere, and it takes at least two hours to travel by motorcycle to be anywhere exciting. Well, that isn’t entirely true. Haiti means land of mountains, and each new adventure I encounter has a beautiful view. My adventures involve walking up and down the mountains each day. There are mountains upon mountains, and behind those mountains are more … mountains. The first day I met the children they sang a song about this. Haiti actually means abundant mountains, or so Marquise told me. 

And… for those of you know the Tooty Tah song… (Look it up on youtube) I showed the teachers here that song and they LOVED it. It is easy and sooo funny. We did it two days in a row and it really loosens us up and creates a relaxing atmosphere. Wah! 

Here is Marquise and Jimmy raising their arms. Look at the view! 

Much love. <3 

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